Idaho READS™

Established in 2025, the Idaho Reads Initiative™ promotes improved and increased reading across the state—from the cradle to the grave.


By January 1, 2035: Idaho leads the nation in literacy from pre-school through senior adults. Idaho residents read more than residents of any state in the US. They read with comprehension and skill and have the fastest growing IQ rates of any state. Idaho exceeds the nation in civic engagement, public service, workforce development, economic prosperity and overall well-being.

January 1, 2035


Increase and improve reading throughout Idaho.


According to the World Population Review, in 2024 Idaho ranks 20th in states by intelligence quotient (IQ). According to a 2017 report by the Institute of Education Sciences, Idaho ranks 24th among states and DC in literacy skills. The same report ranks Idaho as 23rd among states and DC in numeracy skills. The source of this data is the US Department of Education National Center for Education Statistics. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, in 2017, Idaho ranked below every Western Region state except for Arizona in adult literacy. 


The Idaho Reads Initiative engages state leaders, local leaders, business and industry, public education, private education, homeschool families, farm workers, miners, loggers, ranchers, professional services providers, libraries, faith groups, civic and service clubs, hospitals, law enforcement, and every single resident of Idaho in improving reading comprehension for every citizen. We seek to improve reading for understanding to secure the best possible future and current satisfaction and well-being for every Idaho resident.


Click below to contribute to the current and long-term success of every Idaho resident. Your tax deductible gift, no matter how large or small, makes a difference in the quality of life and future success of every Idaho resident.